What is God laying on your heart?

  • Teach English

    We are looking for a full-time English teacher to help start a teaching program. There are 53 schools in the San Antonio area. The English program we have incorporates Bible stories into every lesson. Is God asking you to come teach in Honduras? Click Here for more details.

  • Sponsor a Child

    It all begins with you! Children here in Honduras who cannot afford a school uniform are not allowed to go to school. Without an education, they continue in the cycle of poverty. Your monthly donation provides school necessities for your child, like school uniforms, backpacks, books, and pens along with anything else their teacher needs them to buy for that class.

    Click here to Sponsor a Child today!

  • Service Projects

    There are many different opportunities for your team to serve with us., from building project to working in the local school. Contact us to start planning your mission trip today.

    If you want to see one youth group experience, visit their blog about serving with Por Qué No Tú here in Honduras!


Por Qué No Tú International Short-Term Missions Policy

Purpose: We see tremendous value in short term mission teams. Whether it be for a work project, a teaching team, a VBS style program or others, we believe that short term teams are important. For some, it can serve as a step into missions. For some, it is a way of supporting their church missionaries. 

Within the context of Por Qué No Tú, we believe that the short-term mission teams that come down to Honduras with Por Qué No Tú, should be there to further the vision and purpose of Por Qué No Tú. Any team who desires to participate, yet whose purpose is different than ours will not be accepted.  

There may be a circumstance where another ministry seeks to use our facility for a short-term trip not under Por Qué No Tú. That trip must be approved by the Por Qué No Tú board of directors at a regularly scheduled meeting. That team would still fall under all the things below.  

Application Process: We have a simple application that we ask all teams to fill out. This allows us to understand how many people are interested, what church, and the desired purpose of the team. That form can be found on our website.  

Age Requirements: Individuals coming down on a team must be 18 years old or older. Those under 18 may come down as a part of a mission’s team with adult supervision. Please check with Por Qué No Tú to see what that looks like at the current time. Currently, we do not offer internship programs for those under the age of 18.  

Visa Requirements: Please check current visa requirements prior to setting up your trip.  

Health and Safety: Please check the CDC recommendations for vaccinations that are required and recommended for Honduras. If you are bringing a short-term team, please make all individuals and parents (if minors are included) of the different vaccinations that are required or recommended. Please also look at other health concerns that the CDC lists.  

Behavioral Conduct: We ask that all teams who partner with us abide by a few rules during their time with us. Please note that these are set up in a way to protect the integrity and testimony of Por Qué No Tú. To come to Honduras, you agree to  

1. Refrain from drinking alcohol, smoking tobacco, drug usage, and vaping.

2. Refrain from using profanity and crude talk.  

3. Follow the leadership and directions of the Por Qué No Tú leader. 

4. The last one is to be very observant of the culture that you are in. Foreigners often have a reputation of being rude and obnoxious. This doesn’t mean that you can’t have fun on the mission’s trip, but to be respectful and observant of those around you, realizing that people are watching.  

Failure to Follow the Behavioral Conduct Policy: Failure to abide by the guidelines above and those given by your ministry leaders, may result in your dismissal from the trip. This would mean that you would have to return home, at your expense. In the case of a minor, Por Qué No Tú, will work the group’s leadership to secure the trip back, at the expense of the organization or parents. That will be decided between the other two parties.  

Cost: Planning a short-term trip has many different details and costs involved. Here are the things that involve us.  

Transportation Cost: Por Qué No Tú does not schedule air travel. All air travel should be purchased and scheduled by the individual or team which will be coming. Por Qué No Tú will schedule ground transportation during the time that your team is with us. This cost varies depending on team size and whether a vehicle will be rented. Once you submit your team request, the Por Qué No Tú representative will contact you with the cost for transportation. 

Stay and Food: During your stay at the Por Qué No Tú campus, Por Qué No Tú will take care of food prep. The cost for food and stay will be provided to you prior to confirming your trip. This will be a fixed cost. Anything outside of what happens at the Por Que No Tú facility will not be covered by this cost and should be covered by the individual or team. For example: if the team decides to go out to eat, that meal is not included in the Por Qué No Tú cost and must be covered separately by the team.  

Travel Insurance: We strongly encourage each team to purchase their own travel insurance.  

An example:

  • If group size is 10 people

  • It is around $450, per person, for one week

  • “One week” is considered Wed to Wed or fewer days

    • every additional day is $25

The breakdown:

  • On average it is $250 per person, per week, for their “stay” at the mission

    • This includes food, lodging, truck rental, and a day out to explore Honduras

  • That leaves around $200, per person, for projects done during the trip

  • This part is determined by:

    • How many are in the group

    • Projects that will be completed during your trip

  • Price may increase due to these two factors

*Please note: the prices above are examples only and not necessarily accurate to what it will cost during the trip. Please contact Justin T Hollinger for accurate pricing at the appropriate time.  

Work, Ministry, and International Exposure Balance: We believe that a huge part of short-term missions is international exposure. While working/serving within the ministry is essential, taking in the culture, seeing the church in a different environment, and expanding one’s worldview is also an important part of each trip. 

Flexibility: As much as we all desire everything to go according to plan, that is just not the world we live in. We preach flexibility. We ask you to please communicate this to your team prior to coming to Honduras.